The hammer test
I remember clearly the hammer test. A couple of rocks lay on the table in front of us at the YWAM global leadership gathering in Delhi. Mark Anderson - who describes himself as 'skinny' - invited Frank Naea and another…
I remember clearly the hammer test. A couple of rocks lay on the table in front of us at the YWAM global leadership gathering in Delhi. Mark Anderson - who describes himself as 'skinny' - invited Frank Naea and another…
Stories of second-generation YWAMers, practising what their parents have been preaching about influencing society through the life-spheres, raise our hopes for the future. Film-maker David Cunningham, son of YWAM's founders, was chosen by a major film company to produce a…
No sooner had I sent the last w e e k l y w o r d about Europe's disabled than I received the following report. Gesina, 'a Dutch lady with a huge heart, and a little hunched-over body', has…
Th√©r√®se sat across the table from me in the coffee corner at Heidebeek. Right here among us in Europe, she explained, lived a largely ignored people group with a population roughly equal to that of Germany. This people group, she…
Occasionally over the next few weeks, I plan to share some of the developments from the YWAM Global Leadership Team meeting in Nanning, China, held in August. We'll talk about Project 4K (a global strategic framework to coordinate YWAM's efforts…