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Hope in the gloom

One of the signs of hope in a rather gloomy Europe is a growing grass-roots ecumenism of the heart. Never in the last millennium has there been so much positive interaction among Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox believers in Europe. The…

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Occupy… until I come

This week I read what the global ‘Occupy’ movement is really all about. It’s basically a global mourning for three iconic figures: Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope. Their deaths have left us in a world with no Jobs,…

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Is the game over?

Europe’s financial crises continued this past week, fueling further speculation about the breakup of the Eurozone, if not of the whole European Union. One sign carried by the ‘occupy’ protestors raised the pertinent question: is the game over? Back in…

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A most strategic field

The world holds its breath as European leaders attempt to address the financial crises embroiling Greece, Italy and the Euro. For what happens in Europe affects the rest of the world. That is true in the spiritual sense too. And…

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