Read for your future!
If Romania desires to have a chance to change its future, to find its rightful place in the EU, to be in a position of bringing a true contribution to the table and to get rid of the habit of taking one step forward and two back, the solution may lie in education.
Focusing on the young generation, working sustainably to lower the illiteracy rate, giving a chance to ALL the children of Romania to go to school: this may seem a nice dream, but with effort and participation it may be possible. The use of capital letters for ALL is not a typing mistake. By ALL, I mean village children, too!
There’s a proverb that says “the fish starts to rot from the head, but you start to clean it from the tail”. Everyone of us may feel that we are the tail. What can we do if the rotten head takes decisions for us? Well, we can start cleaning the fish by making small changes and sowing seeds in places where not many would do so.
This is what we did with our literary contest “Read for your future!” The 3rdedition ended on the 6th of March this year. The contest is organized by our ministry (Empowering Leaders for Success Ministry/YWAM Cluj) in partnership with the local school in a nearby village. It is a way to encourage children to read and thus become better Europeans in a better Europe!
The contest was aimed at children aged 10-13. We gave the participants a book to read and encouraged their creativity by asking them to write an essay where they give the book a different ending. The exciting part is that three years ago we started with 25 children from the school. This year we counted 50 participants from over 100 from the whole school.
Laura Mihaly
Schuman Centre Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
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