MA Missional Leadership and European Studies
ForMission College offers its MA programme, Missional Leadership and European Studies in partnership with the Schuman Centre for European Studies in Amsterdam and validated by Newman University, Birmingham. For general information about ForMission, see https://formission.org.uk/
This specialism is designed to enable students to develop the key skills and capacities required to lead churches and/or other faith-based organisations into engaging with their local communities within their specific European (continental) contexts. Engagement with historical developments, present influences and future shifts will help students connect with the richness of European culture(s) and equip them more effectively for ministry in such dynamic contexts.
The specialist modules for this pathway are:
- European Studies: The Making of Europe
- European Studies: Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities
- Please see leaflet for more details: MA European Studies. (https://formission.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/ForMission-College-MA-European-pathway.pdf)

Is it possible to take part in the lectures for just the module “The Making of Europe” from June 17 to 20 on campus, without doing the entire online coursework afterwards? If so, how much would this cost?
Kind regards,
Dear Lucas,
we answered on the email address mentioned with your comment.
Best regards,
Cédric Placentino
[…] 12-16, in Amsterdam (see below). The other is the three-year, part-time masters degree programme in Missional leadership and European studies, designed for those engaged in churches, mission agencies or community projects, or who wish to […]
My husband and I are both interested in this program. I am having trouble finding the registration link and by when to register. Please reply via email, thanks.
[…] for those wanting more serious training, consider our masters programme in Missional Leadership and European Studies. Interested? Write me at […]
[…] місіонерського лідерства та європейських досліджень Missional Leadership and European Studies. Розгляньте цю пропозицію і напишіть мені на […]
My name is Saran and living in Belgium.
I am very much interested in MA Missional Leadership and European Studies program .
I have completed certificate program in EU studies from CIFE.