The Little Town that Blessed the World
The remarkable story of how the road to world missions leads right through the little Saxon town of Herrnhut established by refugees from Moravia and Bohemia. From this corner of modern Germany, bordering Poland and Czech Republic, missionaries set off for the four corners of the earth inspiring the modern protestant missionary movement. From Paul, Cyril and Methodius, John Hus and Comenius to Count Zinzendorf, the story continues to John Wesley, William Carey and Loren Cunningham.
About the author
Jeff Fountain is the initiator of the Schuman Centre, and after over 40 years living in the Dutch countryside moved in December 2017 to Amsterdam. Jeff was YWAM Europe director for 20 years, 1990-2009. Jeff chaired the annual Hope for Europe Round Table until 2015. Jeff is author of Living as People of Hope, Deeply Rooted and other titles, and also writes weekly word, a weekly column on issues relating to Europe.
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