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Recovering faith, hope and vision

In this second-to-last session, we covered the second part of ‘Living as People of Hope’, in which I present ten imperatives for God’s people to recover faith, hope and vision for Europe. As I have been having difficulty with transferring the recordings digitally to my computer, this session was not recorded, but gave an overview of each chapter, using the screenshow downloadable here.

Use the book to fill out details.

screenshow : Faith, hope and vision for Europe

notes: Recovering faith, hope and vision for Europe

The ten imperatives are:

1. We need to ASK what God’s will is for Europe
Is it really God’s will that his will would not be done in Europe, as some ‘end-time’ prophets seem to imply?

There are four things God clearly wants: 1. none to perish; 2. all peoples to be reached; 3. His kingdom to come, His will to be done on earth; and 4. to use you and me to accomplish these goals!

2. We should REJECT the enemy’s disinformation.
Our adversary is the master propagandist, and we have believed too much disinformation about the permanency of Marxism, Islam, humanism and other -isms.

3. We must RECOGNISE what God has done in the past.
He has invested uniquely in the European peoples over 20 centuries, and still expects å return on his investment.
See how his Kingdom has spread – and will continue to spread…

4. We should ADMIT honestly past sins and mistakes of the people of God.

Many of today’s headlines in Europe stem directly or indirectly from the failures of God’s people in the past. What must we do about this today?

 5. We have to FACE UP to the truth about the present.
‘Christian’ Europe of all continents is particularly guilty of suppressing the knowledge of God, and has become a desperately needy mission field.

6. We need to LOOK at what God is up to!
The shaking of the Marxist world over the past decade is just one of a number of indicators that the Lord still has purposes for the European peoples. •Expect the surprises of God!

7. We must REDISCOVER the gospel of the Kingdom!
The Good News about the reconciliation of all things, through Christ’s work on the cross, applies to every sphere of life affected by sin: family life, church life, governmental affairs, business and economics, education, arts and entertainment, law and health, sports and so on…

8. We ought to EMBRACE our responsibility to be salt and light in society.,
Only the Church of Jesus Christ has the adequate message and authority to stand against tyranny. It’s time to exchange our minority complex for a ‘creative minority complex’.

9. We need to TRANSPLANT the church into the cultures of the 21st century.
To survive the transition into the new millennium, and to appeal to the younger generations, we must encourage radical experimentation in the search for new relevant wineskins.

10. We must SYNERGISE!! “Synergeo” – Roms 8:28
God does not give the full picture to any one group or denomination or stream
We need to be in proper relationship with other parts of the Body of Christ, as partners together towards the building of the Kingdom – locally, nationally and throughout the continent.

Assignment for the last session: write up the main points you will be taking away from each of the past, present and future modules of the course, to share on the last evening.

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